Update Re: the Pandemic

From the Church Council’s Executive Committee
On Sunday, March 15, Pastor Keith announced at the service that Good Shepherd would suspend all church services and activities until at least Palm Sunday, April 5. This decision was made in order to join our nation and world in battling the growing threat of the novel coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19. Since that time, we have watched as the crisis has grown in some of the country’s major population centers, but, thankfully, the worst of its effects has not yet reached us here. Nevertheless, at the end of March, first Governor Walz issued a “stay at home” executive order for March 27-April 10, followed by several more weeks of social distancing (schools are planned to reopen May 4), then President Trump extended federal social distancing guidelines until April 30.
It is, then, with a heavy heart that we think it wise to continue with the suspension of Good Shepherd’s services and activities until the first Sunday in May – May 3. Until then, the building’s heat is turned down low in order to save energy costs. In the meantime, Pr. Keith has been and will continue to post pre-recorded worship services on our web site and Facebook page. We hope you will join us in worship virtually since we cannot be together.
· Our web site: GoodShepherdHenning.org (click on “Sermons”)
· Our Facebook page: facebook.com/goodshepherdhenning
· If you don’t have internet access but have a DVD player, contact Pr. Keith about how you can get a copy of the week’s service.
The Executive Committee
David Haglund, President
Courtney Torgerson, Vice-President
Trista Morstad, Treasurer
Melissa Hagen, Secretary
Keith Lankford, Pastor