2022 Lenten Services
Beginning with our Ash Wednesday service on March 2 @ 6:30pm, we kick off the season with a midweek worship series called In View of God’s Mercy. The theme is taken from Romans 12:1 – “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship” (NIV). Lent is a season when we take a look at our lives in view of God’s mercy toward us in the sacrifice of His Son for us on the cross. We, in turn, are called by God, especially during this time of repentance and reflection, to be living sacrifices for Him, displaying our devotion to Him in word and deed. Jesus helps us to see the richness of God’s mercy in His life, death and resurrection. The midweek services in this worship series for Lent, based on the work of Lutheran theologian David Peter, focus our eyes of faith on the meaning behind God’s mercy made manifest in Christ:
Ash Wed, 3/2: Mercy in Ashes
Week 1, 3/9: Mercy in Temptation
Week 2, 3/16: Mercy in Suffering
Week 3, 3/23: Mercy in Betrayal
Week 4, 3/30: Mercy in Relationships
Week 5, 4/6: Mercy in Service
Palm Sun, 4/10: Mercy in Palms
Maundy Thu, 4/14: Mercy in Bread & Wine
Good Fri, 4/15: Mercy in the Cross
Easter Sun, 4/17: Mercy in the Open Tomb
All midweek services this year will begin @ 6:30pm, except for Good Friday @ 7:30pm.